Sunday, January 22, 2012

One Year

This blog has been active for a year now, and I offer a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has stopped by.

This has been a very eventful year. DOG ISLAND, the story of a young couple pursued across Florida by a drug smuggling ring, has been picked up by Oak Tree Press and is tentatively scheduled to debut on February 20.

I've also done a bit of traveling in the last year. Some of the places I've visited include Montreal, the wilds of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Trinidad, and Belize. You may well see these locations featured in upcoming novels.

Work is (slowly) progressing on two more novels, and the idea for a third has been fleshed out. My New Year's resolution is getting at least one finished this year.

So, an eventful year has passed. Again, thanks to you for taking time to read this blog. Come often and browse, leave a comment or two.


  1. I hear you. My blog is also about a year. It is hard to get folks to stop by. There are millions of bloggers out there. Good luck on your books. I have one myself due out in about three weeks and hopefully I will start working on a revised addition of an old one!

    1. Hi Vinnie, folks do stop by, but they don't often leave a comment. Shy, I guess. The stats page is interesting, it shows visitors by country, and the map has quite a bit of green on it.

      Best of luck on your book, let me know if you'd like to do a guest post.
